Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Divine Mash-up

Last night while teaching at Deeper Life Institute, I was flipping through the book for the night, So Beautiful by Leonard Sweet, looking for a quote when I spotted the term "mash-up" on a page in the epilogue. After I read the quote for which I was searching, I came back to the term "mash-up."

I told the class I compose and perform electronica music. I told them about some of my musical heros (like Tim Exile and Imogen Heap) who have the capabilities to perform mash-ups. A mash-up is when you take snippets of pre-existing songs or a sample (be it live or pre-recorded) and tweek, slice, double, reverse, effect, or anything else you can think to it and combine those snippets with other snippets to create new songs.

It got me thinking: the Church is the "divine mash-up."

God is the Master Composer, taking our lives in their various stages, and weaving them together in a way that is beautiful to His ear.

May we components of God's divine mash-up...

1 comment:

  1. To watch Tim Exile do his deal, check this link:
