Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prepping for the Holy Triduum

I have been reflecting on the days of Holy Week, however this year the Triduum (three days) have particularly arrested my attention.

Most of the time we jump in our focus from Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday to Good Friday to Easter Sunday. Not much is made of Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and yet something changed in the atmosphere of Jerusalem between Palm Sunday and Thursday. The storm began to brood...

Being from Kansas almost guarantees you have the makings of an amateur meteorologist engrained in you. We look for the signs of the storm before it hits. This makes it easier for us to respond to the storm.

As we move into the Holy Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday) it is good to pause and meditate upon the portions of Scripture which describe how we reached this point and the people in the Scripture.

What was brooding:

--in the Pharisees to seek to kill Jesus?

--in Judas before he kissed Jesus?

--in John before he fled the garden?

--in Peter before he denied Jesus?

--in Pilate before he pronounced sentence?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week

It's official - we are now firmly in Holy Week!

Holy Week marks the eight days from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. During this time we recall the journey of Jesus from being hailed at the Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday, to the instituting of a new way of living on Maundy Thursday, to the ultimate expresson of Love on Good Friday, finally culminating in the Resurrection of Easter Sunday.

As you journey with Jesus through the trials and joys of this week, ask the Holy Spirit to increase your awareness to those around you, that you may help them bear their burdens and rejoice with them in their joys.